At RNDC, we care about the well-being of our valued associates and, in the spirit of our core value of Family, have long offered the RNDC Scholarship Program as a way to invest in our Associates and their families to achieve their personal best. Each year, the RNDC Scholarship Program awards over 500 scholarships to eligible dependents to help alleviate the cost of a college education. With an RNDC Scholarship, qualifying dependents can receive $2,000 per college semester, up to a maximum of 8 semesters.

Each application is carefully reviewed and once the scholarship recipients are determined, checks are mailed directly to the associate's home address. Checks are made payable to the student and their college/university. The RNDC Scholarship is taxable to the associate and is taxed over 4 pay periods.

The Company truly embraces its RNDC family and hopes to make a positive difference in the lives of others.

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